What's New Here Today?

Send e-mail to info@petershamcommon.com and we'll put your suggestions and
questions on the web. Maybe someone has the answer and wants to share it.

A link to more useful weather information from NOAA - top left corner of the home page after NEWS

Lots more useful links in the TOOLBOX

Hey! Does the IRS owe you money? You can go find out. Click the pic.  irs

Finding area codes? Never simpler. Look in the Tool Box.

All about Energy.

We've added a "Job Search"  link


  • We got a GREAT suggestion  from a frequent visitor to petershamcommon.com. So we started a "Just Visiting" page. Send us a note.

  • WE HAVE AN "OPINION" PAGE. Fill it up!

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The www.petershamcommon.com website is Copyrighted 2007 by roynilson.com. The content of this website (except for logos and trademarks of others used on this site to signify an affiliate merchant or other advertising relationship) is the property of roynilson.com and is intended for use as a free information and entertainment service to individual visitors to our website. No portion of the content of this website may be reproduced for commercial use except by express written permission from roynilson.com and Roy Nilson.